brand refresh

I spent the past two years working with a small but extremely talented team to refresh and rethink one of the biggest tech brands in the world. GoDaddy's mission is to empower their customers to take control of their destiny and follow their passions despite the fear and doubt that holds them back. You can check out more of the work at

Hand-drawn illustration was used to add a touch of humanity to the brand and allowed us to tell more complex narratives in a light hearted and approachable way.
Imagery is essential to any brand and GoDaddy uses photography in many ways, whether it's showcasing our customers as the heroes of our brand or finding new ways to display our products.
With thoughtful concepts and bold use of color we used CGI as a way to tell the story of intangible digital products and complex ideas in modern and inspiring ways. We want to create a world that inspires creativity and inventiveness.